In Search of the Miraculous

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This book is an unusual yet fascinating read for anyone who is interested in the practical application of the esoteric aspects of mysticism, and the science of human energy as it is understood in the East.

During this series Osho is in the process of developing his Dynamic meditation, and responding to questions about many facets of his work, including kundalini energy and shaktipat, the transfer of energy from an awakened one to a seeker of truth. All techniques in this book can help us experience miraculous moments when our energy expands and takes us into something far beyond the known.

Guiding the reader through the seven bodies and their corresponding chakras, Osho talks on psychic phenomena, dreams, telepathy, hypnosis, color therapy, Dynamic Meditation, Kundalini, mediums, gurus, and the Tantric dimension of sex. "I am talking about very scientific things," he says, "not something belonging to religious superstitions."

"But you were seeking on your own, a lonely wanderer in search of the miraculous. Because you were not with any master, not with any school where many people were working together for their inner consolidation, you don't have any memory of such a thing. You have only one feeling, of waiting. That shows that for many lives you have been waiting. And perhaps the time has come and now you may not need to wait anymore because I am ready to give you that which you have been seeking - whether you know or not."

Previously published as In Search of the Miraculous, Vol 1 and In Search of the Miraculous, Vol 2
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
JMay 2, 1970 to Jul 2, 1970 and
Jul 4, 1970 to Jul 12, 1970 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


In Search of the Miraculous

Year of publication : 2009
Publisher : Osho Media International
ISBN 9788172612320 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 671
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :