Talk:Hari Bolo Hari Bol (हरि बोलौ हरि बोल)

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Revision as of 10:34, 9 September 2018 by Dhyanantar (talk | contribs) (correct info according to the image of TOC)
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प्रवचन (TOC):
1. नीर बिनु मीन दुखी
2. संसार अर्थात् मूर्च्छा
3. तुम सदा एकरस, राम जी, राम जी
4. जीवन समस्या नहीं--वरदान है
5. सुन्दर सहजै चीन्हियां
6. जो है, परमात्मा है
7. हरि बोलौ हरि बोल
8. पुकारो--और द्वार खुल जाएंगे
9. सद्गुरु की महिमा
10. जागो--नाचते हुए

There is a comma in this page's name, but I don't see that comma in the Hindi title, nor on the cover of the book...? --Sugit (talk) 11:08, 8 August 2015 (UTC)


Yup, this has happened likely in a few titles. Commas are more of a Western usage. In the case of this book, it has been in since Day One, but you can change it if you want to. -- doofus-9 (talk) 17:17, 8 August 2015 (UTC)


I would tend to do that & am willing to, but I do not have the overview to decide, so will keep my fingers off Hindi titles. --Sugit (talk) 08:45, 9 August 2015 (UTC)

It may be worth noting, regarding the comma discussion above, that ch 7's title is basically the book's title, and there is also no comma there in the Contents image.

And worth a mention for the sake of completeness that the second word of this title transliterates as "Bolau", as does the book's title. But a net search indicates this "correct" usage is exceedingly rare, found only in the Delhi Public Library catalog. Perhaps the Devanagari is wrong and all the transliterators have "corrected" it. Or perhaps there's nothing wrong. At any rate, no need for a change.

But some small changes were made in the TOC to align with the Contents image -- doofus-9 16:27, 14 July 2017 (UTC)