Talk:1983-07-06 Master's Day Darshan ~ Lord of the Moon

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Revision as of 19:05, 20 February 2015 by Sugit (talk | contribs)
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The title of this album is Master's Day Darshan 1983 ~ Lord of the Moon. Looks like this OMA entry is a redundancy. There are not two (nondual!) Master's Day Darshan 1983 events, and this guy's one track is very likely a duplicate, though 18 seconds longer, of the one in 1983-07-06 Master's Day Darshan ~ God is Wild. -- doofus-9 (talk) 18:37, 5 February 2015 (UTC)

In 1983-07-06 Master's Day Darshan ~ God is Wild, do you mean track 3? That is a song, it goes indeed "Lord of the Full Moon ...". But the one track we have here is instrumental, and a well known one. Click on the song to see the other instances. The title is confirmed on CD covers.

So the questions are that 1. there is a duplicate name, not unusual, but more important 2. was this really played on Master's Day Darshan 1983 ?

This info is only based on what was written on these 7 DVD's full of music that I got from Tobias. There is a directory "Master's Day Darshan 1983 Lord of the Moon" with one mp3 "Master's Day Darshan 1983 Lord of the Moon.mp3". This would usually be from an MC (audiotape) with that written on it, but of course I don't know if that was the case here.

Anyway, I have found another instance of Darshan Master's Day 1983 on some torrent, that was ONE long mp3, not divided in tracks, and it has only that same material as we have, in the same order. And NOT Lord of the Full Moon (instrumental). So the question remains: was this really played on that day ? It does sound like a live recording, the only one, as it's different from the other recordings, which seem studio recordings. -- Sugit (talk) 06:01, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

Very impressive! I was feeling like i wasted your time, but maybe, yes, the question of when WAS it then? ... The birthday celebration of that year not only is adorned with that name, Lord of the Moon, but it is the only celebration of that year with only one audio record, ie all the others have a darshan and a satsang, but the birthday has only one, not called a darshan but having that form. Perhaps this is part of the birthday's missing satsang, just mistitled. -- doofus-9 (talk) 07:51, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

No no, no waste of time, love it! And this satsang idea is a great one. Both 1982 and 1984 have darshans with mostly songs and satsangs with only instrumental music. So most likely that is a recording of the satsang? Reason enough to change the name. --Sugit (talk) 09:21, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

So I have renamed this page as a test. Making the names of all darshans and satsangs consistent is a long overdue project.

Sarlo and Rudra, how about this one: YYYY-MM-DD <Celabration name> <Satsang/Darshan> ~ <Specific name> --Sugit (talk) 09:43, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

Anything like that seems fine to me if it doesn't create any name issues such as non-recognition, eg someone looking for a particular album they know the name of and this re-naming obscures it. I believe in Books there is a fairly strong imperative to stick with names as originally given, ie on the MC or CD cover, but that may not apply here. Browsing in a particular year is easy enough with almost any naming system, but in the whole OMA may be more challenging. I'm okay with a hodge-podge naming system too.

This particular tape's problems have not yet been fixed however, since there is already another satsang on this date. It is probably NOT a Master's Day tape at all, at least of 1983. My money is on the Birthday satsang. Perhaps someone somewhere along the line mixed up Master's Day with the Master's Birthday. -- doofus-9 (talk) 19:40, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

Sorry, I did not check well enough and missed the already known satsang of 1983-07-06. So this track is clearly not of the 1983 Master's Day Satsang. Your theory for the Birthday celebration satsang seems sound.

You rightly say that any titles that are written on covers should remain (the main part of) the title, I agree. My proposal only applies to the festivity satsangs and darshans. Of these, for many there is no known cover, but where they are available they have a title that is part of my proposed system. So the recognition will not be less, I would say.

Or do you think if the cover says "The Forerunner" it is less clear when we change that to <Date> <Celebration name> Satsang/Darshan ~ The Forerunner ? --Sugit (talk) 20:48, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

It IS less clear, but only to one who is looking for "The Forerunner". I went browsing on the OMA page and found "The Forerunner" but it was already under another title, "Satsang 1981-05-26 ~ The Forerunner, No 1 [and 2]", so it's already not found under T or F and therefore not so easy to find, but now that i think more of it, you have to choose to cater to these folks or to cater to those looking for dates and i think the latter must be more numerous. It might even be strange to know it as "The Forerunner" and not the satsang of that date. So basically it doesn't seem out of place to have the date first. One tiny quibble is that this particular example, "The Forerunner", is not strictly speaking a celebration satsang and so knowing its date would be fairly unlikely -- just one day in May of that whole long run -- but your proposed change was about celebration satsangs anyway, so maybe it is outside the question to begin with. Doesn't much matter, i'd say.

The "Conclusion" below looks good and may in the long run be all that's needed for this talk page. It stands alone and conveys all that's needed quite well. I have tinkered with it :-) -- doofus-9 (talk) 22:32, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

You are right that The Forerunner is not a typical celebration satsang, it's from that period that Nivedano calls "the Profet days". Apparently those were historically called "Satsang" though, as that is on the tape jackets. Were they always on the morning?

I would still tend to name those pages 1981-05-25 Satsang ~ The Forerunner, as the time-order seems more relevant than their specific name (The Silent Sage; The Prophet; Light on the Path; The Madman; The Path; Jesus). And then there is a long series of "Satsang" without a specific name. Agree?

Sure, go for it. About mornings, i was there but my memory is not reliable, though it could hardly have been otherwise, since changing it would require changing the structures of the whole day. I would say it's a safe assumption. And feel free to delete all this above "Conclusion". -- doofus-9 (talk) 18:05, 7 February 2015 (UTC)

on second thought, we could just display the YEAR categories up top. e.g. ===>> Category:1983

--Rudra (talk) 04:28, 8 February 2015 (UTC)

Hmm, Sarlo, have you seen that there is also 1983-12-11 Birthday Celebration Satsang ~ Then the Transformation? I see it only now I am in the process of renaming, and it seems to me that this theory of this being the Satsang of that celebration is less evident...

I traced back my source for the aforementioned 1983-12-11 Birthday Celebration Satsang ~ Then the Transformation, and it is written in the comment tags of my oldest sources: Then the Transformation - Satsang / 11th December 1983, so that is explicit enough.

While this tape only has Master's Day Darshan 1983 Lord of the Moon.mp3 as title, no further info. I now tend to stick to that original title with big caveats around it. --Sugit (talk) 19:03, 20 February 2015 (UTC)

Conclusion (...?... probably not, in progress)

The title of this album was originally Master's Day Darshan 1983 ~ Lord of the Moon, based on the information received from the digitizer. That may have been based on an audio jacket. But it seems to be wrong.

There is already another Darshan of 1983-07-06, which name is supported by several sources and it does not contain this track. And darshans usually have songs rather than instrumental music.

Also it does not seem to be the satsang of 1983-07-06, as that album is already part of this collection.

The most likely guess is that this music is actually from the satsang of 1983-12-11, Bhagwan's Birthday Celebration 1983, as that darshan was also called Lord of the Moon, and unlike all the other celebrations of the year, did not have (was lacking) an accompanying satsang. So we have changed the name accordingly.